The Birth Uprising
Beautiful Beginnings is proud to be part of The Birth Uprising.
The Birth Uprising is a truly inclusive Hypnobirthing brand, supporting families of all shapes and sizes, regardless of race sexuality, gender, religion or disability.
ALL families matter and ALL births are VALID.
Throughout 2021 Angharad has undertaken training in LGBTQ+ competency, with AJ from the Queer Birth Club as well as completing Breast/Chest feeding training with Beth from The Earth Doula to help improve the quality of her courses. In 2022 Angharad aims to complete a Cultural Awareness course, with Natalie The Sunshine Doula to further improve.
Our Approach
A Hypnobirthing course with us is focused on how you FEEL after you have given birth. It doesn't matter if you are having a vaginal or abdominal birth, EVERYONE deserves an empowering experience.
Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal programme. It is a logical, evidence-based approach to pregnancy and birth and is not for one type of person! Our courses are completely tailored to individuals. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive and we welcome ALL birthing people on our courses.
Hypnobirthing with Beautiful Beginnings involves learning about the options you have and the tools available to help you make the best decisions for you and your family both in pregnancy and birth.
Your Body. Your Baby. Your Birth.
Some of the things you will learn on the course include:
The physiology of birth and the role the mind plays to influence this
How to identify and release any fears about birth
Breathing and relaxation techniques to use before and during labour
Deep relaxation techniques and visualisations
How to use affirmations to build confidence
The important role your birth partner plays during pregnancy and labour
Pain relief options so that you can make the best choice for you
About more complex pregnancy and birth including the options available to you
When and why induction of labour is offered
What choices you have about where you can give birth
How your care provider works with you in each setting
Confidence in your choices and to cope with changes to your labour
One thing that sets us apart from other courses is the level of support that you are given throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born. We don't abandon you once the course is complete, we strive to be a part of your journey if you wish. Read more about our courses here>